Nicolas Rault
I am studying somatosensory integration in the whisker system of the rodent. Mainly this consists of providing a model for each structure which process sensory data retrieved by the whisker based on physiological data. The idea is to be able …

Stefan Iacob
I am interested in extending echo state networks (ESNs) with biologically inspired mechanisms, alternatives to backpropagation in neural networks, and neuro-evolution. I am currently working on optimizing ESN architectures using evolutionary algorithms.
PI: Joni Dambre
Enrolment in Doctoral …

Shreya Lakhera
I am interested in the interaction of neural activity and synaptic plasticity during the early development of the brain. I will explore how transient networks, like the subplate, help in correctly wiring the brain. I will simulate a computational model …

Monica Coraggioso
I will study light-guided locomotion in Danionella cerebrum (Dc), a new vertebrate model that is phylogenetically and morphologically similar to the larval stage of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) (ZF) and has recently emerged as an interesting model for behavioral neuroscience. …

Kajal Kumari
I am interested in studying behavior at both collective and individual levels. To do so I will quantify pairwise interactions between individuals in a network and then establish how these translate to collective properties of groups — i.e. can the …

Nishant Joshi
Nishant will investigate how the behavior of single neurons contributes to network-level computation and information transfer. He will study single neurons under the effect of different neuromodulators such as Dopamine or Serotonin, in vitro, by analyzing electrophysiological recordings, and try …

Tousif Jamal
Tousif will investigate transcriptomic and proteomic networks in the neuron, and how these network relate to experience-dependent plasticity, i.e. change in neuronal structure upon sensory input. This includes developing statistical methods for molecular target identification, and comparison of connectivity in …

Roman Makarov
I will investigate the role of different types of inhibitory interneurons in visual cortex plasticity by implementing a computational model of the V1 L2/3 network. The network will consist of morphologically reduced multicompartmental neurons with active dendrites. Synaptic connections between these neurons …

Simone Tasciotti
Simone will create a DG-CA3-CA1 hippocampal network computational model to assess the role of dendritic nonlinearities on both the memory capacity and the structure of the resulting networks, following contextual and spatial learning.

Claudia Cusseddu
I will investigate the relationship between the connectivity structures and the dynamics in neural circuits, by considering the spike-time-dependent synaptic plasticity – which describes the change of synaptic strengths based on spike times and their correlations. By using both analytical …

Leonardo Demarchi
I’ll perform brain-scale calcium imaging experiments on Danionella translucida, an emerging model species in neuroscience. The goal of my project is to study the neural circuits responsible for spontaneous locomotor activity and their evolution across different developmental stages.
PI: Georges Debrégeas
Email: …

August Paula
August studies spatial decision-making in individual animals and groups of animals. Thereby, he uses behavioural experiments and computational modelling to understand how spatiotemporal information is represented in the brain and how it is processed during decision-making. And further how this decision-making …

Tanguy Cazalets
Tanguy is simulating brain morphogenesis to understand how complex behavior at birth like walking for quadrupeds mammals or imprinting can occur. This simulation of simple interactions of neurons during embryogenesis can then help finding RNN architecture that fit specifics task.

There are 13 PhD students across 5 countries and 6 institutes working to understand biological network computations.